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About the Project
The project aims to generate greenhouse gas emission removals and reductions through mangrove reforestation and avoided degradation, including wetland restoration and conservation activities. Through these activities the goal is to enhance the resilience of vulnerable coastal areas and promote social, economic and environmental sustainability in all of The Gambia.
The project covers the entire mangrove landscape (both intact and degraded areas) of all five mangrove regions of The Gambia, and project activities will be included gradually on the basis of appropriateness for restoration and avoided degradation of mangrove, community involvement and financial resources available.
Reforestation will be the first focus area of the project. Reforestation of degraded mangrove areas will take place in selected locations considering the ecological conditions and with the involvement of local communities, government and NGO’s.
The project is designed to actively engage communities in restoration and maintenance activities to ensure ownership and alignment with community preferences as well as contributing to community development. The project also seeks to improve biodiversity.

Goals and Achievements
Generally, the mangrove dependent communities and those living adjacent to mangroves are characterized by a rural environment where the most common land use activities are traditional forms of land use, livestock, and agricultural activities mainly in the form of rice cultivation. Human activities such as collection of wood for fuels, infrastructural changes and other anthropogenic activities are important drivers of mangrove degradation in The Gambia. This mangrove restoration and conservation project therefore aims to contribute to mitigation of climate change, improving livelihoods of the mangrove-dependent communities and increasing the biodiversity conditions.
Our mangrove reforestation endeavor has made significant progress in recent years. In 2022, we successfully planted over 200 hectares of mangroves. The following year, in 2023, our efforts gained momentum as we surpassed an estimated 400-hectare mark. Looking ahead, we have set an ambitious target of reaching 4,000 hectares by the end of this year. As we move into 2024 and 2025, our aspirations extend further, aiming to achieve 6,000 hectares. Ultimately, our vision is to restore 10,000 ha of degraded mangrove sites in The Gambia and to contribute to conservation of mangrove under threat of degradation.

Mitigate Climate Change
To contribute to mitigation of climate change through removal of carbon from the atmosphere through mangrove growth and avoidance of emissions through avoided deforestation and degradation of mangrove habitats.

Improve Livelihoods
To improve livelihoods in the mangrove-dependent communities in the Gambia through increased job opportunities, improvement and increase of available natural resources and overall increase in well-being.

Strengthen Environmental Conditions
Improve environmental conditions, restore ecological services and enhancing biodiversity through restoration of wetlands including mangrove planting and avoided mangrove degradation and deforestation.